A collection of my most intense dreams and out of body experiences.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Blue Demon

Although this isn't the most inspiring dream I've had, this experience started it all. Well, this blog at least. I woke up from drifting off to sleep about 1:35am on March 22, 2016 and immediately rushed to my desktop to record this in my Wordpad. Even messaged a couple of friends on Facebook to talk about it. From here on out, this experience would (hopefully) start me on the straight and narrow path to documenting my many fantastic and terrifying "dreams". I'll write them out here, try to give as much detail as I possibly can and give my closing remarks and opinions down below. 


Awaken in a huge white/beige room, I've been there before and the answer will come to me. (This room is familiar to me because of a former dream I had moments before, where I chased and escaped to another life with a lover. Matter of fact, it was weird because I woke up from a dream, into another dream, while realizing I was still dreaming.) What's now changed are the white sheets on the queen-sized bed are tossed and knotted, kind of like when you get damp towels out of the washer. Some parts of the white blinds are also for some reason broken, twisted and intermingled with small yellow, hair rubber bands. My memory is fading.

(Now remembering, this bedroom looks really similar to a one I slept in, on a family trip to Orlando, summer of 2015. A flat screen TV was perched in the right corner, and beside it was the glass double doors leading out to the patio where the blinds were messed up.) I walk out of bedroom through the patio doors out onto the patio, where the previous dream let me follow my lover through the backyard, to the side garden area, towards a privacy fence and out towards the street. Only this time, I didn't follow that route and something told me to turn around and open the backdoor. The backdoor lead inside of the house where there is actually windy, cold blowing air blowing against me. (The interior of the home as you come in, reminds me of my cousin, Tiffany's old home, where the kitchen is right there as you walk in from the patio.)

Everything seemed to be the same in that house. Living room was dead in front of you North, with antique-style furniture and various decorations and religious icons on the wall. Another bedroom (perhaps master bedroom) was on the right. As you turn to your left, it becomes different. There is a smaller hallway leading to a (presumed) bedroom with the door closed at the end. On the left side of the wall, a non-descriptive (bathroom/closet?) room on the left, the door slightly open but dark. On the right side of the wall is the bathroom, I would come to enter, and maybe further down, another room with the door closed.

As I walk into the bathroom, I hear my name chanted repeatedly (like one of those Buddhist/Indian shaman meditation guide tapes, where they chant and stretch out the syllables. MAAAARR-LON, MAAAAR-LON).  That bathroom actually looks like my friend's Frank's bathroom, which I guess is a pretty ordinary bathroom. Pretty small, neatly decorated with toiletries around the sink. Maybe a lavender or lime green color. The sink is closest to the door, followed by the toilet (with probably some kind of cabinet or basket or whatever on top) and a bathroom furthest to the wall. The bathtub is filled to the brim with soapy water (and possibly overflowing) and what emerges from it is what looked like a small white child painted from head to toe in blue ink. Or blue skin. But the being moves very mischievously, or actually like a snake. (Can't remember what horror flick or even TV show (possibly True Blood) but the movement is very snake-like. Almost as if they being can teleport a few feet ahead forward as he moves). At that moment, even though I know I'm dreaming and afraid, I don't want to wake up. I must confront whatever this is.

He lunges towards me in quick non-human/snake like movement and we tussle hand to hand, my left in his left and his right in his right. He's strong and he's winning but I stay strong. He gets in my face and I can hear my voice "I'm good. You can't win." All the while, something is gushing out of his mouth and into mine, like smoke/fire. (Not sure if I described this right, but yeah like the invisible heat waves you can see rising out of the fire I suppose. That mixed with blue smoke. The word djinn really comes to mind here.) He blows it in my mouth two or three times and I get the feeling he's trying to lure or give me some kind of power. My final words are "I'm good, I'm a good person." Light explodes out of me, he gets in my face and hisses. I wake up.

 So, I gotta say, this was an intense dream. Not my first intense dream but comparable to the others, this felt as real as it gets. The cold air on my skin, the touch of the demon I was wrestling, the covers on the bed, everything. I even do this thing in real life, where I'll rub my finger tips on the wall as I walk and I even did that and it felt completely real. There's no doubt in my mind, this wasn't a dream and possibly in another reality.

Also, I have to point out that yes it was intense and was also very scary, but I was aware I was "dreaming". Or existing in whatever this was. Usually, in a dream or OOBE like this, I become afraid like I might lose a piece of myself or become "possessed" or whatever. I always had a fear going into this situation. This time, not even.

Even though a friend and I discussed this and we've pretty much agreed that this might've been a possession I successfully fended off, I'm not convinced. There's a part of me that believes this demon (and I'm only really calling the being a demon for simplicity reasons. He could've been something else, or a fragment of my mind or some kind of repressed fear) wasn't fighting me. He wasn't sucking the air or life out of me. Maybe he was giving me some type of power, but I don't know.

Lastly, if he was fighting me or attempting to place himself in me for possession, it was in that very moment I knew that this thing can't beat me. People need to realize that whatever we are, spirits or souls or whatever the fuck you believe, we are in some ways our own power source. Whether we're sparks or manifestations or children of a God or a Universal Mind or even if you believe you're responsible for your own actions and identity, nothing is going to come at you with the intent on "taking advantage" or taking some power over you and winning. Nothing. So, that was what I fully believed when I was saying "I'm good, I'm a good person." and the light surrounding my aura. But anywho, it was intenssse!